- isopotential
- • изопотенциал• изопотенциальный
English-Russian marine dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian marine dictionary . 2014.
Isopotential map — Isopotential maps are a measure of electrostatic potential in space. The spatial derivatives of an electrostatic field indicate the contours of the electrostatic field, so isopotential maps show where another charged molecule might interact,… … Wikipedia
Isopotential muscle — refers to muscle fibers which are fewer than two times the length constant.ReferencesHoover, Neil J. Adam L. Weaver, Patricia . Harness, and Scott L. Hooper. “Combinatorial and Cross Fiber Averaging Transform Muscle Electrical Responses with a… … Wikipedia
isopotential — SYN: isoelectric … Medical dictionary
Equipotential — or isopotential in mathematics and physics (especially electronics) refers to a region in space where every point in it is at the same potential. This usually refers to a scalar potential, although it can also be applied to vector potentials.… … Wikipedia
Ion — Cation and Anion redirect here. For the particle physics/quantum computing concept, see Anyon. For other uses, see Ion (disambiguation). Hydrogen atom (center) contains a single proton and a single electron. Removal of the electron gives a cation … Wikipedia
equipotential — 1. adjective Having equal potential. 2. noun A region whose every point has the same potential. Syn: isopotential … Wiktionary
isoelectric — Of equal electrical potential. Cf.:i. point. SYN: isopotential. i. focusing electrophoresis of small molecules or macromolecules in a pH gradient. * * * iso·elec·tric .ī sō i lek trik adj 1) having or representing the same or connecting points… … Medical dictionary
mapping — The process of identifying the relative position of sites or elements. cardiac m. a method by which local cardiac potentials are spatially depicted in an integrated manner as a function of time (isochrone map) or potential (isopotential map) … Medical dictionary
body surface mapping — creation of maps that use contour lines to delineate the isopotential areas of the body surface as determined by electrocardiography, with the potential distributions updated continually during the recording period … Medical dictionary